Sunday, October 30, 2016

Crafting Can Be Profitable?

I've done minimal crafting over the years. I loved having something homemade whether it was something to decorate with, giving as a gift, or even a Halloween costume.The uniqueness and it being one of a kind just overly amazed me. Don't get me wrong, I would be proud and brag of all my things and not everyone felt the same. Though that would sting, that's perfectly fine. We have our own taste which adds into the unique level of your crafted items and who does, or doesn't, like them!

In the past year my crafting has picked up so much more. I am a stay at home mom and being just that is a job in itself. I love it but it gets so repetitive that I needed to added something into the mix so that I could keep my sanity. One thing led to another. It was fun. It was joyful. Someone pointed out that I should sell these items for more than just cost. I swore that wouldn't take off into anything and I would be wasting my time, yet I tried anyway. We have the creation of Our Gifts to You.Though it's not out there for all to know, it's out there and I'm pleased with the results. Now, to push it more and get it bigger. Challenge accepted!

Ideas and encouragement from friends and family is simply the best way to get feedback. It also helps you think outside of the box. Though I like option A you could like option S, which I never would have thought of for it's not my cup of tea. It gives me another way of doing something or something new all together.

Pinterest. As I tell everyone, we are fren-emies. I go there for an idea or to see of a way to make something - not always does what I think I can do actually work out - and one million clicks later, I'm still on Pinterest. The ideas are absolutely amazing! It doesn't help that I want to do everything - along with thinking I can do everything! Sewing. Painting. Vinyl. Do you know how many subcategories and related things you can do with these items. **Mind blown**

A lot of the things that I craft is something that I would want. At times, it has stemmed off from there and that's awesome. I love when I get asked for something different. Some things that I make I think will be a hot hit and it's not. Others I think will be a hit or miss and I can't keep up with all the wants! It's so much fun but has a slight ounce of overwhelming. I want to be so much further but my time is limited, at this point, so I have to be reasonable. If I push myself too hard, there's a chance that everything I invested into this business will be for nothing.

Over the course of the next several weeks, I'll list things that I make with links to purchase. Though you may not get a full tutorial, use your imagination and let that take you to the finalized project. At times I may post links that are affiliated. Time is money and it doesn't hurt to help myself as I'm helping you. There will be post that included what are my things that work and, of course, what doesn't. By all means, share your ideas. We're all here to help everyone, right?

Have an awsomee Sunday and see you soon.